Investment objective:
The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve capital appreciation in the long term. The Sub-Fund has a clearly defined target investment date: 31 December 2042 (the "Target Date") which sets the time-frame within which the investment strategy of the fund will unfold along the general guidelines described hereafter:
At the start of the investment period when the Target Date is still relatively distant, the Sub-Fund adopts a moderately high risk profile, with higher allocation to equities relative to debt securities and cash instruments. Subsequently and progressively, the Sub-Fund will increase allocation to debt securities and cash instruments in order to lower the risk profile as the Target Date approaches.
On Target Date the fund is expected to be invested mainly in debt instruments and cash investments. The Sub-Fund invests primarily in units of UCITS and/or UCI which invest in debt securities, equities, money market instruments, term or time deposits, cash, as well as in financial derivative instruments including Exchange Traded Funds (ETF).
When the investment in UCITS and/or UCI is not considered appropriate, the Sub-Fund may be invested directly in underlying targeted assets in so far as they fulfil the requirements of Section 4 of the Prospectus. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. The directors will decide before the Target Date, whether the sub-Fund will be liquidated or contributed to another Sub-Fund or to another UCITS of the Management Company, to the best interest of Unitholders. Liquidities, undertakings for collective investments, financial derivative instruments and structured financial instruments may be used within the limits described in sections 3.1 and 4 of this Prospectus.
The Sub-Fund is suitable for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans.